Fasting is required for certain types of Blood Testing such as Glucose, Cholesterol (Cholesterol or Lipid Profile) and others. Tests requirements for Fasting unless advised by your Physician or Doctor.

Fasting Tests are marked with the asterisk (*).

Fasting Instructions:

  1. Last Meal is at 8 PM to 10 PM the night before coming in to the lab
  2. Only Water ( Bottle or Tap) is allowed for consumption. 
  3. Absolutely nothing else is allowed. This means you are NOT ALLOWED TO: SMOKE, VAPE, DRINK ALCOHOL or OTHER BEVERAGES, CHEWING GUM, NO BREAKFAST, TEA, COFFEE ETC.
  4.  Come in the Lab Next Morning between 8:30 AM and 10 AM. 

Fasting Time Frame:

8 Hours  – Minimum Fasting
12 Hours – Optimal Fasting (Recommended)
15 Hours – Maximum Fasting (Additionally Hour (16) will be allowed)

After the Fasting Time Frame has passed, unless advised by your Doctor (Physician) we would advise against any blood draw.


Please  be advised for the following lab test:

All Serum Samples should follow the instructions provided below.

NOTE:  Kidney or Renal Profiles especially with reference to Potassium and/or Electrolytes.

Gel Top for Serum Collection:

  • Draw blood from client
  • Place blood collected into a Gel Top for Serum (Red, Orange, Gold)
  • Fill the tube with the required amount until the mark 
  • Mix blood in Tube gentle (10 – 15 times)
  • Allow the Blood to Clot Properly
  • Immediately, Centrifuge the Clotted Sample for 10 – 15 minutes
  • The Gel should be between the Cells (Bottom of the Tube) and Serum (Top of the Tube)
  • Testing can be performed immediately else sample can be stored in the Fridge or Freezer until sample is ready to be tested.

Non – Gel Top for Serum Collection:

  • Draw blood from client
  • Place blood collected into a Non – Gel Top for Serum (Red)
  • Fill the tube with the required amount until the mark 
  • Mix blood in Tube by gentle (10 – 15 times)
  • Allow the Blood to Clot Properly
  • Immediately, Centrifuge the Clotted Sample for 10 – 15 minutes
  • After centrifuging separate the serum from the cells. The serum should be placed in a new collection tube.
  • Testing can be performed immediately else sample can be stored in the Fridge or Freezer until sample is ready to be tested.


The Steps above should be followed for ALL SERUM SAMPLES.

It should be followed in order for Potassium in Electrolytes to be accurate and results. This is performed to prevent haemolysis.

Courier Services: Serum Samples especially for Kidney or Renal Profiles samples should be centrifuged as soon as possible if your facility has a centrifuge. If you do not have a centrifuge please contact our the lab immediately.

For any further information or confirmation on instructions, do not hesitate to contact us.